When Terry and I were out shopping for food for our New Year's Eve dinner, I ran into Barnes and Noble real quick to see if Lara Casey’s new book had come out yet. Have you heard of Lara? She is the creator of Southern Weddings magazine and the Make it Happen Power Sheets. Anyhow, lucky me they had the book, Make it Happen
!! I was thrilled to get my hands on it. What a great way to start a new year!
In her book, Lara shares her story so openly and honestly about her struggles and how she has gotten to the place where she is now; living a life with purpose, a life God-centered, doing His will. Make it Happen walks you through the steps to live a more intentional, purposeful life. It will fire you up. It is an interactive book, so grab a pen and a journal!
I myself have been working through the steps and I am seeing those areas that I am needing to change. I can also see where fear has left me paralyzed to move on with my life.
I have started journaling while reading the Bible and during Mass and I can not tell you enough how much of a difference this has made in my prayer life. While reading scripture I see how our Lord is speaking to me! Reading, praying, and writing. Why haven't I done this sooner!! Looking through my past journal entries there is an ongoing theme. Can you guess? Fear!
I was reading Mark 4:35-41, you know the story, the disciples are in the boat and there is a big storm and they are all afraid and worried and the boat is tossing them around and filling with water and they are terrified. They wake up Jesus as they are freaking out, “Do something!” He awoke and rebuked the howling wind and said to the raging sea, "Peace. Be Still." And it stopped. There was an instant calm.
Well, the storm….those are my storms. The storms in my life are the fears and anxiety when I get myself all worked up with all of the “what ifs". The Lord is saying to me; to my storm; “Peace! Be still.” BE STILL.
He said to them…he says to me, “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?”
These past two years have left me fragile. Having Thomas was such a huge blessing to us, however the pain and longing for him is still there. I’m sure it always will be. I trust in God’s plan and how He worked in that situation, and still does. I wouldn’t have done one thing differently. But, to be honest I am afraid. I am afraid of that pain again and it kind of has me stuck. I don’t want to be stuck anymore. I want to live with purpose and be ALL IN. I want to not be afraid to do what HE asks of me.
I am following Lara’s steps in the book to help me move forward. I am writing it all down and praying over all of it. I have been moved to tears quite a few times. There is something healing about writing it all down and physically seeing your fears and dreams in black and white. It is on the page looking back at you. It isn’t hidden anymore and you have to face it. I'm ready to.